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Companions of the Stone materials

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Companions of the Stone materials Empty Companions of the Stone materials

Post  MysteryStudent Tue Dec 15, 2009 12:00 pm

After someone posted on the "What's your favorite digimob download?" topic that the Companions of the Stone materials were a favorite, I just had to check them out.

Upon reading the first couple of lessons, I discovered that they are indeed very interesting! One thing that makes them so interesting is that I've read them before! If you go to Google Books (books.google.com) and search for Learning Ritual Magic: Fundamental Theory and Practice for the Solitary Practitioner by John Michael Greer (there are other authors listed as well: Clare Vaughn and Earl King Jr.), you will find a book that was released in 2004 and that I found very very useful. I came across it as a "similar books" type thing while reading another text about magick on Google Books.

Of course, Google Books only gives you the first 27 pages or so, but I was absolutely delighted to read them! I found it to be a most engaging introduction to the Western Mystery Tradition. I was sorely disappointed to have been cut off...I haven't the means to purchase it right now. But wait! The exact same text can be found in the Companions of the Stone lessons! Hooray! Very Happy

Now...according to my research, the Companions of the Stone were based in Seattle. John Michael Greer is based in Seattle. That's the first connection I can see (beyond the obvious duplication of material). In the intro to Learning Ritual Magic, it is explained that

The lessons that follow were originally compiled as an introductory course in high magic for members of an independent Hermetic magical order. That order, now known as the Companions of the Rose (COR), remains active, but its focus and curriculum have evolved a good deal since the days when the course was first written and new members now follow a different course of training.

So...apparently the Companions of the Stone are now the Companions of the Rose. Also, the focus and curriculum of the material has evolved. To add to that, I found a blog entry by a mysterious individual who claims to have "instrumental in the founding" of the Companions of the Stone but has since switched paths to Buddhism (and has nothing good to say about the Western Mystery Tradition anymore):


Who is this guy? Why did he have such a terrible experience with the Companions of the Stone?

I just thought I'd throw this info out there, because I found it pretty interesting. Oh...great torrent, by the way! Smile I'm grateful to have found the material again.

Age : 41
Number of posts : 30
Registration date : 2009-12-13

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Companions of the Stone materials Empty Re: Companions of the Stone materials

Post  Khephra Wed Dec 16, 2009 6:35 pm

Good stuff!

Greer's got a fairly active blog, too: The Arch Druid Report.

Age : 59
Number of posts : 897
Registration date : 2008-08-10

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Companions of the Stone materials Empty Re: Companions of the Stone materials

Post  MysteryStudent Wed Dec 16, 2009 7:05 pm

Oh. Thank you!

Now I am reading the blogs of John Michael Greer, Dale Pendell, and Gareth Knight because of your useful tips. Smile

Age : 41
Number of posts : 30
Registration date : 2009-12-13

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