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Timothy introduction

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Timothy introduction Empty Timothy introduction

Post  tmothy13 Tue Jun 25, 2013 8:16 am

Hello, everyone I just found this site trying to find a way to open the files and view them, I have been into the occult since I was 15, its a very interesting site hope it will help me to learn more.


Number of posts : 4
Registration date : 2013-06-25

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Timothy introduction Empty Re: Timothy introduction

Post  Tennessee_Arborist Tue Jun 25, 2013 5:17 pm

How old are you?

Age : 44
Location : Anywhere in the USA
Number of posts : 26
Registration date : 2013-06-24

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Timothy introduction Empty Re: Timothy introduction

Post  tmothy13 Wed Jun 26, 2013 9:46 am

I am 27, I found alot of really interesting files on this site I especially like Michael W. Ford he is one of my favorites.


Number of posts : 4
Registration date : 2013-06-25

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Timothy introduction Empty Re: Timothy introduction

Post  Tennessee_Arborist Fri Jun 28, 2013 1:01 am

Nice. I love finding people who actually study. Kind of surprised the hell out of me finding this many people on here who really do study instead of just glancing through something by Ramond Fuckland one time and thinking they know everything. Just asked your age so i don't wind up telling something to a teenager i shouldn't. lol been guilty of that before. I'm 33 btw

Age : 44
Location : Anywhere in the USA
Number of posts : 26
Registration date : 2013-06-24

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Timothy introduction Empty Occult Forum

Post  tmothy13 Fri Jun 28, 2013 4:12 pm

Yeah alot of studying but I wish I could do more practicing as its hard when ive been moving around so much, this site is great there are soo many hard to find files on here, I really want to get involved with working with other people and expanding my pracice its hard im the only one I know thats into occult stuff.


Number of posts : 4
Registration date : 2013-06-25

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Timothy introduction Empty Re: Timothy introduction

Post  Tennessee_Arborist Fri Jun 28, 2013 5:46 pm

LOL I know that feeling. I developed several of my exercises around just that. To work on Remote Viewing I partition myself while driving looking roughly 1-5 miles up the road seeing the curves and reading signs when and where i can.
It's a tough trick. At night i used to keep salt in my carpet in the living room, and candles and incense set up with some herbs on the coffee table. I would go through white light visualization, physically the first time, but there on i would practice activating it with a touch of a finger, wand, or thought then drawing energy through the candles and focus to turn them blue. Then I would photograph them. Blue orbs above every one and a few times my shield strong enough to see by others.
Using a photo after a spell is a good way to verify it to yourself and helps both with balancing and energizing you but also, it is mental verification of success and that you're not just a loonytoon even if only to yourself. I just started a technique page. later i need to copy this one and a few others to that forum i guess.

Age : 44
Location : Anywhere in the USA
Number of posts : 26
Registration date : 2013-06-24

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Timothy introduction Empty Nice!

Post  tmothy13 Fri Jun 28, 2013 8:38 pm

Wow that is a really great idea does any kind of camera work like the one on my cell phone? They dont seem to work well for evp, I found some good stuff on remote viewing on this site its hard to find manuals that actually teach the correct way. Rite now ive been working through all of Fords books, he is the best ive found soo far as of ease of explaining how it all works and the philosophy of Lucifarianism, right now its hard I have be really sneaky as I live in a boarding house but there is a nice basement outside that might utilize for rituals I just have to re make all of my tools as they got destroyed in my last move in order to maintain secrecy to many Christians where I live. Well I looked online for some groups in my area but LA is a little to far for me but thats ok Im finding alot of usefull stuff on this site to keep me bussy through the next 30 years.


Number of posts : 4
Registration date : 2013-06-25

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