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search for amorc 11 temple degree monographs - (old)

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search for amorc 11 temple degree monographs - (old)  Empty search for amorc 11 temple degree monographs - (old)

Post  opal Mon Aug 29, 2011 6:03 pm


Hope to find the old versions of amorc monographs, esp 11th temple degree;

Want to add that I will never trade or sell monographs as I promised so when I joined the order, I am still a member and lately got to the 12th degree;

as i began to study with the old monographs - and then switched to the new ones middle of 10th degree -

- it would be great also to continue the old monographs; want to add that I dont exchange monographs, sell monographs and also wont re sell some - if I shoud be able to get the 11th degree ones;

So if one of you has the 11th degree / old monographs .... or knows where to get them I would be very happy;

even thought he new monographs are very good and I like to study them - I prefer the old ones;


Number of posts : 41
Registration date : 2011-08-21

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search for amorc 11 temple degree monographs - (old)  Empty Re: search for amorc 11 temple degree monographs - (old)

Post  worlock93 Tue Aug 30, 2011 11:37 pm

Funny. So you're basically saying "Would someone please donate a kidney as my mother needs one. I just want to make it clear that even though I am a match, I wouldn't donate any of my organs because I'm attached to them." While I look back fondly on the pre .bz days of piracy where everyone wasn't so "I'll show you mine if you show me yours," I just have to say that I find your request really sad....

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search for amorc 11 temple degree monographs - (old)  Empty ?

Post  opal Tue Aug 30, 2011 11:51 pm

first - I am not saying donating;

second - if you dont want to help me out thats fine;

I am looking for the old monographs of the 11th degree - I am even willing to pay -


so this is why I cant "share" or exchange - hope this is understandable as I dont want to break the code of ethiks of the order;

but if you have the monographs of the 11th degree I am willing to pay even for scans;




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search for amorc 11 temple degree monographs - (old)  Empty PS

Post  opal Tue Aug 30, 2011 11:59 pm

PS: the old versions are important for me as I studied until the 10th degree with the old ones, then changed to the new ones,

all I am doing now is trying to get also the old ones - as there is quite a difference between old and new ones;

this doesnt break with the code of ethics of the order - and I guess smost people might understand that I cant trade or exchange - as I am a member - that is all;


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search for amorc 11 temple degree monographs - (old)  Empty Re: search for amorc 11 temple degree monographs - (old)

Post  worlock93 Wed Aug 31, 2011 12:57 am

Begging, with the offer of money, is actually worse. It's funny how flexible your "ethics" are. You vow not to distribute the material, yet you are hoping to encourage others to distribute the material for you. "No your honor, I shouldn't have to go jail for selling these drugs. You see, I talked my friends into selling them while I just helped spend the money."

What's funny is that the many members of AMORC I've known over the years seemed to have little trouble finding the material you're looking for from fellow members of the society. Maybe you should befriend some older members of the order and then wait for them to die and offer to buy their monographs from their kids. Better yet, you could just beat them up and steal them. Either way, I'm sure your ethics can rationalize that away.

Edited addition:

After looking over your post on the other message board I'm actually tempted to suggest you try some of that ritual magick you're so disdainful over. You'll find it a little difficult as it doesn't involve any of the staring at the wall or heavy breathing you're used to from your "advanced" AMORC training.

Age : 46
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search for amorc 11 temple degree monographs - (old)  Empty worlock

Post  opal Wed Aug 31, 2011 1:27 am

Hey worlock,

I really wonder where all this anger in you comes from and suggest that you post a new topic to discuss that / work on your own problems they have nothing to do with my post here? - maybe other members here can help you with that, instead of trying to put me and amorc in a bad light;

all the uncontrolled violence in your words, all this aggression seems to come from some traumata - (you mention "beat them up, steal ... without knowing me, without knowing amorc) it is easy to be strong and brave in an anonymous forum and attack harmless other forum members, because you seem to be safe behind your avatar / nickname ...)

even your nickname already suggests this violence in your heart, maybe a good psychotheraphy could help you?

why dont you have a surf - if the beach is near - or yuy a punching ball - instead of posting "off topic" - in my little post here??

the ethics of amorc is - not to give away your own monographs; if you dont understand that - thats fine - for amorc memberĀ“s it is not allowed to give away THEIR monographs; but to buy RC books - or to get and study older monographs - esp if you already have passed the degree - is fine, I got this information directly from the grandlodge, I dont strech any ethics but just stick to them;

I am not begging or anything, just asking if someone can help me out as I would like to read / study also the old versions of the monographs;

so please dont try again to put me or amorc in a bad light with some minor "wordgames" and open a new topic where you can discuss your agrression towards whatever ... Twisted Evil


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search for amorc 11 temple degree monographs - (old)  Empty Re: search for amorc 11 temple degree monographs - (old)

Post  worlock93 Wed Aug 31, 2011 3:41 am

Self obsessed much? I would need to have some actual level of concern over you to be hostile towards you. My posts were actually dismissive and disrespectful, with a touch of sarcasms, a lot of hyperbole and bit of parody.

Just because it doesn't agree with what you want to hear, doesn't make it off-topic. What you fail to understand is that your entire post is off topic, thereby allowing anyone to respond as they wish. You see, this forum is a) a place to bring people together for file sharing and b) a place for the discussion of occult topics. It is not the craigslist of occultism. It is not a place for you to attempt to acquire digital or physical goods that you have no intention of sharing or contributing to. "Requests" doesn't mean "Things I personally want for me" but, rather "things I would like to see distributed by digimob." Perhaps you missed the little subtitle in the top banner "A forum community for students engaged in de-occulting the occult." I really don't care what oaths, vows or declarations you have made to whatever group. Orders and their secrets are antithesis to this group.

FYI: Your pathetic attempts to insult me online aren't going to work. First of all, I'll bet I've been doing this longer than you. Second, specific to this case, where you went wrong is that you want something. That particular item is something I happen to have. Items I acquired through patience and perseverance (which apparently aren't traits they teach in AMORC). So at the end of the day, I'm still better off than you. afro (plus I have an afro).

One day I will complete the tedious and delicate task of scanning all of these monographs (both old and new). This will be to make them available to everyone, not just for those that want to keep them for themselves.

Last edited by worlock93 on Wed Aug 31, 2011 5:02 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Beginning of a line got chopped out for some reason.)

Age : 46
Location : New Mexico
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search for amorc 11 temple degree monographs - (old)  Empty Re: search for amorc 11 temple degree monographs - (old)

Post  amandachen Wed Aug 31, 2011 4:09 am

I'm an admin here (does it still say that?) and I'd suggest that serapiss drops the attitude. Thanks.

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search for amorc 11 temple degree monographs - (old)  Empty Re: search for amorc 11 temple degree monographs - (old)

Post  opal Wed Aug 31, 2011 4:11 am

Just relax - take a few deep breaths - maybe have a surf ... ;-) life's good and always reflects your own thoughts ...


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search for amorc 11 temple degree monographs - (old)  Empty re worlock

Post  opal Wed Aug 31, 2011 3:57 pm

add worlock Wink

ok I hope everyone incl A. is relaxed and chilled now,

worlock I am your opinion! I dont understand where the problem is - and if you read the posts - you will see that all what happened is - that I defended myself because you called my request here "stealing e.g." ... all I need is someone to help me out - reading the old monographs ... as in my surrounding nobody is able to help me ....

I am with you - everybody should have access to all scripts; I even forwarded my opinion to several occult orders - as i think best way would be - like in yoga - to make all scripts available to public;

just that I promised not to give away mine; like it or not - if I give a promise I stick to it; isnt it like a promise on your mothers deadbed .... you give a promise and stick to it - even if you are another opinion? but you made the promise ...

I have more than 4000 books and ten thousands of scripts at home - I share all of them - just not the ones where I promised not to do so;

and regarding the amorc way - without initiations and oral tradition - the way doesnt work; so this is a reason why I am a member - but no grandmaster or any decisionmaker;

and I respect the wish of amorc - even if I would be other opinion;

I travelled the whole planet, lived more than 1 year in india and am a yoga / kundalini teacher since a decad .....the times of orders and secrets are over - I agree;

So wherĀ“s the problem if I just need someone to help me out - as I want to read / go through the old monographs?


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search for amorc 11 temple degree monographs - (old)  Empty Re: search for amorc 11 temple degree monographs - (old)

Post  opal Wed Aug 31, 2011 4:18 pm

PS regarding "advanced" amorc exercises / ritual work ...

the most advanced exercise is savanasa / relaxation ....and the breathing mantra / so hum - is all you need to get to other realms;

the simpler the exercise - the more difficult to master; because it needs efficient daily practise to master it;

I have been through all this ritual magic - stuff ....amorc exercises dont need all this pomop and lametter ....today my opinion is that all these magick orders bullshit their members .... HEY just my personal opinion ok?

I know steve tanham from sol, the sola adept ... and I wasnt impressed at all . their abilities are quite limited ... and every critisicm of the members is forbidden -.... you become a yes person .... or are eliminated and seperated from the order ....and as I am not a sheep - I prefer to go my way alone ...

amorc: just if you only read the monographs you dont get it - if an exercise is very important; all the blabla is there to hide the important exercises same as in regardies golden dawn books; .... I agree - I dont like it to make things secret - but this is how golden dawn and other organisations where dealing;

once you can leave the body - reach other realms - there is no need for super compliacted evocations - this show just the missconception in the mind of the practicioner;

in tantric yoga you get a mantra initiation - and fter a few months you are completly gone, whenever you want, meet "inner" forces and learn from them - travel through the whole universe ...


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search for amorc 11 temple degree monographs - (old)  Empty inner orders

Post  opal Wed Aug 31, 2011 7:54 pm

another point:

all these orders are just the "outer part of the onion",

in the old golden dawn .... for the first 5 years most people stayed in the outer order - and didnt practise magic;

also in amorc - the whole section between beginning and even summum bonum

is nothing else than the outer order - the school, where no magic is thought

whoever thinks just reading the monographs is enough: its not even 2% of what amorc really is;

the outer order means: studying the monographs, do initiations, which "unlock" - not in an intellectual sense - quite a few things within you

take part in the rituals, study groups, oral teachings, and later you have access to the konvocations where the esoterical tarot, the esoterical qabalah, e.g. is studied ...

but this is STILL the outer order;

even the TMO, the inner circle - is the outer part of tmo

even the summum bonum;

there is innere orders with differnent functions which almost nobody know, the only one I am allowed to mention here is MCE;

but even a member which will never get in touch with the inner order - will learn

inner sanctum
energy / healing exercises
lelepathy, telekinses
the cloud

so the order keeps its promise even towards all the members in the outer order; and if you really know what assumption means - and what it can do for you - you will agree;

so to study just some monographs .... in comparison to be a member of the inner orders - and do initiations, ritual work, oral teachings AND the stuff which cannot be found in the monographs of the outer order - is like comparing primary school with university;

as long as someone is not ready - its bette rto do sun salutations, relaxations and easy meditation - its the same in the eastern tradition - a real master wont invite immature and irresponsible people - and give away the true tantric teachings;

and you cant expect amorc or any organisation - to just give anyone the key .... as you cant teach a 5 year old how to drive a big truck on the highway ....a spiritual school has also carmic responsibility to whom to give the highest knowledge

just writing this as there is so much missconception about "WHY" at all .... orders exist ...

guture may show to which degree it will possible to give away the secrets to everyone ... but as we look into the 21st century, humans still - or even more than some years ago - battle with each other, are caught in materialism - and greed;

at the end its the choice of the few self realised beings - to which degree in future the teachings will be available;


Number of posts : 41
Registration date : 2011-08-21

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search for amorc 11 temple degree monographs - (old)  Empty Re: search for amorc 11 temple degree monographs - (old)

Post  amandachen Thu Sep 01, 2011 12:41 am

Rant much?

Do some deep breathing exercises and calm down, buddy. This is getting a bit too neurotic.

Location : Not an admin, so quit pestering me
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search for amorc 11 temple degree monographs - (old)  Empty Re: search for amorc 11 temple degree monographs - (old)

Post  opal Thu Sep 01, 2011 1:18 am

borrowing my jokes eh .... little amandachen .... com on use ur dark power and close the subject ... I am getting bored of your useless comments all over the forum anyway ...


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search for amorc 11 temple degree monographs - (old)  Empty Re: search for amorc 11 temple degree monographs - (old)

Post  worlock93 Thu Sep 01, 2011 4:41 am

opal wrote:borrowing my jokes eh .... little amandachen .... com on use ur dark power and close the subject ... I am getting bored of your useless comments all over the forum anyway ...

I can't imagine that she has any concern over what you have or haven't become bored with after your whole week registered here. As for your longer than necessary, never ending posts and all their blushing praise for the awesomeness of AMORC above all other systems...yeah good for you.
My favorite part is where you actually try to draw a comparison between AMORC and the GD. 7 or 8 years in the AMORC doesn't even get you up to the level of the first knowledge lecture of the GD. I have never seen, and possibly never will, an organization so stingy with information. Further, the time to advance through the degrees within the GD was fluid and dependent upon the persons activity and ability. Florence Farr achieved Adeptus Minor in slightly over a year of membership, as did Allan Bennet, Crowley etc, while others did it in two, five or more years. Any group that doesn't allow a member to advance at their own pace is not a school, it's a dues collecting factory.

Lastly, I never equated your original request with stealing. I clearly implied that it was a disingenuous and self-catering request, try to keep up. I'm sure there was a whole lot more to reply to, but I really can't bring myself to care anymore.

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search for amorc 11 temple degree monographs - (old)  Empty Re: search for amorc 11 temple degree monographs - (old)

Post  opal Thu Sep 01, 2011 6:03 am

In which order r u?

Have been in sol, bota, pansophia, amorc, hogd and a few others - so please tell me what is so superior in golden dawn- there is no book or monograph i havent red about G D

So please tell me Mr know it all what makes GD superior

By the way the original GD doesnt exist any more since 1903 ....

And u definitly have ne clew about inner order of amorc ...


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search for amorc 11 temple degree monographs - (old)  Empty truth about crowley and regardie

Post  opal Thu Sep 01, 2011 5:17 pm

writing this for those who might be interested in different orders - as there are so many missconceptions:

everybody talks about crowley and regardie ... but crowley didnt finish the golden dawn he was very talented, but when he entered the GD ... thorder was already dissolving ... ..regardie did only a little bit of training with crowley, and joined the SM order, where even he himself said its degenerated ... and left the order ...

langford carstin, leader of the A O wrote a letter to israel reagrdie (about 1935) when he finished the tree of life ...telling him that he writes rubbish and asked him never ever to even mention the name golden dawn ....and this is the man ... SOL, BOTA and HOGD have their teachings from .... I really like the books of regardie ... but its far away from being authentic GD material!!!

and A O dissolved a few years later;

so all the orders who live from this source i. regardie - work with currupt material - it took me some years to find this out myself; ask members of F.L.O. ... they all left BOTA, SOL or HOGD as they realised that the material is wrong .... now S.O.L. (LVX) fraternity of the hidden light - tries to work a bit more authentic towards G.D. .... I dont know if they succeed on a long term... bota got very corrupt - even sol and others ...lets see if FLO manages better,

amorc: man it takes decads to study qabalah - it is not possible to get a senior adept in 1 year?! do you know your best friend after 1 year? no it takes decades to find out who someone is; and while you study amorc - you might - or might not - get in contact with the inner order; (also the "inner orders" like TMO, MCE or chevaliers - are "outer" orders at the end)

one of the big adepts of the 20jentury was erwin watermeyer - his students even today - are very impressive; I attended sereral konvokations in south africa, usa and germany - about esoteric astrology, qabalah and tarot - it was so different in comparion to any tarot teachings that I wouldnt even touch my old books and monographs .... just the ones from paul foster case are still of value to me;

dont expect a teacher - to give you the key within 3 days ... if he does .... the teachings are corrupt; it takes time till real spiritual developement takes place - and the big yoga schools in india ...do a good job (esp the yoga school of bihar and the sivananda school - even if this one gets a bit westernized lately) I am not uncritical towards amorc, just that it worked for me, the order kept its promise - (and so I ll keep mine) and amorc wa snot only the only western way which worked for me - but the teachings in the high degrees are far more advanced than any material I got in all the other orders;

I guess its worth to take my time and write all this down - as there is so many people out there who get in contact with some corrupt material - download it somewhere and study it ... and the consequences of studying wrong material in an nonsystematic way - might be not very positive ...


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search for amorc 11 temple degree monographs - (old)  Empty PS

Post  opal Thu Sep 01, 2011 5:22 pm

by the way the amorc teachings in the high degrees - one gets only through oral tradition and convocations; as well as contact with the inner planes - if one took it seriously and is able to perform the psychic projection and assumption - and gets in contact with inner realms;

the monographs are just a support; they are defilitly only a small part of the whole thing and dont work if you just read them without rituals, without oral tradtion ...


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search for amorc 11 temple degree monographs - (old)  Empty Re: search for amorc 11 temple degree monographs - (old)

Post  worlock93 Sat Sep 03, 2011 2:24 am

opal wrote:In which order r u?
Oh, now we're going to play the membership game, don't you find that just a little bit pathetic? If you really think that the mark of a True Adept(tm) is as simple as possessing the ability to fill out an application form and pay dues, then like a good little AMORC minion, you have learned well.

As for the question, first I belong to an ancient & illustrious order of individuals who spell short common words out completely, because we aren't 14 year old children texting in class. Seriously though, I have belonged to more than 1 and less then 100 different organizations. I currently maintain membership in one single organization. If you want to know more than that you'll have to wait to buy the book. It'll have crappy reproductions of fabricated membership certificates and lots of clipart stolen from other sources. It'll basically be like one of H. Spencer Lewis' books.

If that's too thick for you, I don't tout my memberships in organizations as a mark of authority. I prefer, instead, to simply speak the truth and let it fall as it may.

Have been in sol, bota, pansophia, amorc, hogd and a few others -
Shame you didn't stay in some of the other ones, you'd probably be slightly less delusional.

so please tell me what is so superior in golden dawn- there is no book or monograph i havent red about G D
By the way the original GD doesnt exist any more since 1903 ....
You're really starting to look like a tool...

A)While I know what you mean, it's still funny that, according to you, the GD ceased to exist in 1903 and yet you claim membership in it a few lines up.
B) what exactly did you need to state this date for? Did I imply the original GD was still around? Was my use of past tense when referring to the GD not explicitly clear enough?
C) For someone who's read EVERYTHING about the GD you sure are ignorant about the subject. First you claimed it took 4-5 years to reach the inner order, which was flat out wrong. Then you throw out the date 1903, which was the when the schism started. So we are literally JUST talking about the group named specifically the HOGD. We're going to ignore the various groups who continued with the GD system until its final demise into the 1930's. Are you trying to claim that these continuations, such as the Stella Matutina or Mathers' own A.O. were somehow illegitimate?

So please tell me Mr know it all what makes GD superior
I think you misunderstand. I'm not saying the GD is superior to AMORC, I'm saying that almost any other organization is superior to the AMORC. You are the one that brought the GD into the conversation, not I. AS matter of fact, this seems to be a common MO you've been employing, as I've lost count how many times you've tried to compare the AMORC to the yogi schools in India. I know this is the internet and all, but just because you say two things are alike, doesn't actually make them alike. If anyone want to learn a system rooted in eastern mysticism then they'll pursue eastern methods. If they want to learn western occultism, then they should go anywhere but AMORC.

It's clear you really enjoy hyping up AMORC as the end all of occultism. In that other thread Amanda was probably spot on about time your time and money having something to do with that. I hate to burst your bubble, but AMORC is really the back water of occultism. It was created for middle class protestant housewives. It's tailor made for those that want to pretend they're doing occultism, but don't want to be exposed to anything that offends their traditional sensibilities. It is literally tabloid occultism, which is why they used to recruit members through tabloids. I'm sorry, but just because the "Mastery of Life" pamphlet makes it out to be the greatest thing since sliced bread, doesn't change the fact that you can learn more about occultism from a loaf of sliced bread.

As to why the GD system is better than AMORC? Maybe it's because you actually learned something in the GD. Since it was an actual system, with an actual goal, that didn't lock members into a decade of paying dues before it even got interesting. Contrary to what you claim, AMORC barely teaches anything at all about Qabalah (Madonna knows more about the subject and she's an idiot), doesn't teach Tarot, Astrology is only mentioned in the most broadest of sense and their "teachings" on Alchemy are some of the most hysterically misguided nonsense ever put to paper. Qabalah, astrology, tarot, alchemy....why that's practically the entire back bone of western occultism. So what do you learn? Oh yeah, the same New Age, psychic power, age of aquarius BS that can be found in any dime store occult book from the 1920's.

And u definitly have ne clew about inner order of amorc ...
That's because there is no inner order of AMORC, just an extended continuation of dues collection. TMO, MCE, the other alleged inner orders which can't be named (are they run by Voldemort?) carrots on a stick. Oh, and it's not like there's anything special about TMO (which is a separate group run by AMORC, I don't even know why you would imply that they are somehow considered an inner order). There are dozens of Martinist groups in existence and many of those don't have the debatable authority of TMO.

writing this for those who might be interested in different orders - as there are so many missconceptions:
Yes, but I'm sure everyone will appreciate you contributing a few more misconceptions to the pot.

<sniped some nonsense>
langford carstin, leader of the A O wrote a letter to israel reagrdie (about 1935) when he finished the tree of life ...telling him that he writes rubbish and asked him never ever to even mention the name golden dawn
Uhhh, no. Actually Langford-Garstin was pissed off at Regardie for publishing material related to the Order which he received through Crowley. Langford-Garstin considered Crowley the cause of the schism in the 1900's and so he lashed out at Regardie. If anything, he confirmed the ACCURACY of Regardie's material in regards to the Golden Dawn, which Dion Fortune affirmed.

...and this is the man [Regardie]... SOL, BOTA and HOGD have their teachings from .... I really like the books of regardie ... but its far away from being authentic GD material!!!
Yeah....except BOTA was already a working system BEFORE Regardie had even met Crowley, let alone wrote anything and SOL is based on Dion Fortune's teachings, not Regardie's. Meanwhile, many modern GD groups have revised and modified themselves to more closely follow the original version of the order as the material has become available.

Well thanks for playing the game, it's a shame you don't know as much as you think you do. As much as I love making condescending remarks about AMORC I think I've already given them more of my time then they're worth.

Age : 46
Location : New Mexico
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search for amorc 11 temple degree monographs - (old)  Empty Re: search for amorc 11 temple degree monographs - (old)

Post  opal Sat Sep 03, 2011 4:18 am

What order? I am in bota and hogd still - you fool - since 20 years, also amorc - so what about u - mr know it all hehe ...

U r just a punk who loves to battle ....

So tell me about your wonderfull order ... And explain exactly why amorc is so awful ...


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search for amorc 11 temple degree monographs - (old)  Empty Re: search for amorc 11 temple degree monographs - (old)

Post  opal Sat Sep 03, 2011 5:46 am

Have you ever attended an amorc adytum? An artisan? Or meeting of the chevaliers rc?

Oh I forgot u r an dept hehe ... How many years have you been a member of which order???

What - in ur opinion- is the inner order of the rosicrucians?


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search for amorc 11 temple degree monographs - (old)  Empty Re: search for amorc 11 temple degree monographs - (old)

Post  opal Sat Sep 03, 2011 4:13 pm

U say amorc doesntnteach tarot, astrology? Completly wrong, you are the biggest idiot I ve ever found

In convocations, demi circle, adytum, artisan, and l the oral teachings its all about that, much more advanced than - for example
- even bota - just you dont know - as you just have been reading a few monographs

Last post for me so far - good luck in your 1 person order - where you are the only member , grandmaster and imperator at the same time...


Number of posts : 41
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search for amorc 11 temple degree monographs - (old)  Empty Re: search for amorc 11 temple degree monographs - (old)

Post  worlock93 Sun Sep 04, 2011 4:38 am

You are a remarkably dull individual, whose lack of knowledge is only surpassed by your complete absence of originality. You keep putting up the pretense of someone who has reached some level of maturity in age, yet your infantile attempts to insult, and your complete lack of ability to formulate the simple thoughts necessary to have a debate, is starting to imply the development of someone in their late teens at best. BOTA member for 20 years? I'm finding it extremely difficult to believe you're even 20 years old.

Worse, you keep misrepresenting reality and making claims that are patently untrue which rest upon some alleged "inner order" verbal teachings that don't exist. On top of that, your posts are just getting bizarre as you don't even seem to know how the order you keep promoting works. You keeping throwing out terms like convocations and artisans, yet you over state what these are. On top of that you keep making a glaring mistake of confusing what you might learn at a AMORC local body, with _the_ teachings of AMORC. The teachings of AMORC are those, and only those, topics covered by the monographs. Classes held at pronai, temples, what have you, besides the majority of them being classes about the monographs, are extra-curricular and have NOTHING directly to do with the teachings of AMORC. Artisans, on the other hand, yeah they're basically a discussion group to keep those that stuck through all the monographs busy. I'm surprised you haven't mention esoteric hierarchy or summum bonum, but considering your track record you'd probably just give a confused explanation of what those are too.

Age : 46
Location : New Mexico
Number of posts : 71
Registration date : 2008-08-16

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search for amorc 11 temple degree monographs - (old)  Empty ???????????????

Post  opal Sun Sep 04, 2011 4:02 pm

ok one last post ... after my last post .... sorry for that ;-) Very Happy

amorcs oral teachings which dont exist?

and what about the ten thousands of amorc members who currently study in 9th temple degree forums, adytums where they get through decades all the teachings about tarot, qabalah, strology,

ALL THIS KNOWLEDGE YOU WONT FIND IN THE MONOGRAPHS ... because they only prepare you for the oral teachings which are given in person, from teachers who gained knowledge from true initiates like erwin watermeyer and dozens of others;

all the artisans where you go through every single exercise (I am currently a member of one adytum, one artisan and visit the RC academy every year ... so if I am not dead in reality and dreaming that I am alife ...there IS an oral tradition hehe ...

the convovations of the RC academy which take you 12 years to finish .... with a detailed cours structure in regards to all above mentioned subjects?

the meetings of the inner circle of TMO, the chevaliers rose croix who meet every year,

the illuminati conclaves which are in every country every year?

the monographs are just a little part,

the initiations

AND THE ORAL TRADITION .... which you claim ... doesnt exist .... ist where you get the real knowdeldge in amorc

the order is structured in a way to keep EXACLTY subjects like you away from the order

people without principles, without caring about other peoples oads and promises (what you mentione before) people who deliberately misslead others who are true searchers;

amorc exists since 1915 ... and till today its extremly hard to get information


all these people are people of honour and principles;

GD was originally just a few people and after a few years the order imploded

amorcs inner teachings are handed over since almost 100 years through oral tradition to - currently - ten thousands of students,

and the inner order is still there to guide and help; it is a structure which goes through several organisations and is not limited to one group or order;

maybe read echartshausens book - or some amorc monographs .... to understand what rosicrucian inner order is .... and what rosicrucianism is about

it is about being a woman or man of principles, of honor, oh high ethics and moral;

someone who doesnt let just his / her ego speak and is not ready to learn like a sick donkey which doesnt want to move on ...

its about becoming a knight of the inner rosicrucian order - about respectiong other peoples believes, religions and holy ground;

about learning to develope psychic abilities, hermetic and qabalistic principles,

I can garantee everyone who reads this - that amorc helped me to achieve

psychic projection

even invisibility is a fact which can be prooved - and I was able to demonstrate; materialisation - I saw the success - even if I personally didnt succeed so far with this exercise;

reaching other realms ....

but again: the most important step to become a true member of the inner order is

to become a(wo) man of principles and honour, high ethics and moral ...

LLL farao


Number of posts : 41
Registration date : 2011-08-21

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search for amorc 11 temple degree monographs - (old)  Empty Re: search for amorc 11 temple degree monographs - (old)

Post  opal Sun Sep 04, 2011 4:09 pm

PS: summum bonum is basically just another series of monographs which I have at home already - like the illuminati degrees .... this has nothing to do with the inner order

like the "master monographs" ar enot writen for an selfish egotistic "master" like you ..... but the INNER master ::: WHO leads you to inner understanding and inner knowledge ....

an order is a group of people ... not just a dead structure ..... and the knowledge you gain throuh real people ... amor cis only the vehicle in which people meet and teach;

it is the inner structure which gives the teachings ...

pplease stop missleading the people just because you are angry at amorc ...

is it that you have been a member ... then left the order and now you are angry at yourself because you cut yourself from the teachings?

its eady to look trough for everybody who reads your posts ... to see how you are stuck in your ego and how you try to justify your wrong interpretations of what amorc is, what an adytum is or artisan is ...

anyway good luck - hope you wake up one day instead of copying monographs and destroying deliberately other peoples achievements .... not respecting other peoples believes ....and keeping true seekers from finding their path ....


Number of posts : 41
Registration date : 2011-08-21

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