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Introduction Empty Introduction

Post  ThunderGr Fri Feb 25, 2011 1:22 pm

Hello to all.
As I just registered, I thought it would be nice if I introduced myself.
My name is Theodoros, I am 38 years old and I live in Greece.
I knew from early on in my life that this plane is temporary and I felt that most of the things people strive to achive on everyday life didn't make sense.
However, it appeared that I was just a lonely voice in the crowd.
I am blessed, in the sense that I was guided away from submitting to the teachings of, practically, everyone around me, by my inner strong disposition against it.
I started studying the occult only recently, due to serious inner pressure and guidance, against all odds in my everyday life, including my spouce's disposition and other facts.

I want to thank you for providing the material required for people like me, that are unlikely to ever find a proper school or teacher to guide them.

I hope that, most of the people that are guided to this forum, are driven here by the will to serve the whole and not by the will to serve their egos.

Light and Love to the minds and hearts of all.


Age : 51
Location : Greece
Number of posts : 8
Registration date : 2011-02-25

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Introduction Empty Re: Introduction

Post  amandachen Fri Feb 25, 2011 7:07 pm

ThunderGr wrote:I hope that, most of the people that are guided to this forum, are driven here by the will to serve the whole and not by the will to serve their egos.
Welcome, deer rendeer

You'd be surprised by the number of Satanists and Chaos Magicians here. Big egos, but fragile.


Location : Not an admin, so quit pestering me
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Introduction Empty Re: Introduction

Post  Whitewolf Sun Feb 27, 2011 12:47 am

Well said, Amandachen. I admire your forthrightness.

ThunderGr, welcome and all the best to your soul's search!

Age : 66
Location : Canada
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Introduction Empty Re: Introduction

Post  ezavan Tue Mar 01, 2011 9:53 pm

hey now, what's your beef with chaos magicians and satanists? just cos we don't dig the kabbala and we worship our own egos doesn't mean we can't be part of the global awakening? BIGOTRY!!!!!!!!!!

anyway, glad to have you among us, i hope that you find the hard work of those involved in the megatorrents to be a constant source of inspiration and new directions. may you always be searching!

Age : 37
Location : middle of nowhere
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Introduction Empty Re: Introduction

Post  Whitewolf Wed Mar 02, 2011 4:18 am

Ha, ha, you just validated amandachen's comment.

You're the biggot because all amandachen was did was express her opinion but you couldn't respect that.

What your're saying is like calling Martin Luther King Junior a biggot because he didn't say nice things about the KKK or how Maoist chinese characterize the Dali Lama as a Nazi (while I was in China a citizen I knew sent me some some Chinese "news flashes, one of which contained a graphic image of that, because he wanted me to see the "truth". Ha, ha, the Dali Lama, one of the greatest living symbols of harmony, peace and evolution alive on Earth today).

Satanism is about spreading darkness, separation, fear and hate, not enlightenment; it's about using the neutral forces of the universe in the service of ego, not in service of humanity and the living community of Gaia and the cosmos.

If you disagree with what I am saying then you should stop dabbling in something you don't understand: something that will consume and destroy you eventually ....that IS the nature of Satanism. ( the symbol you chose to represent you cuts and rips away the life current instead of flowing in harmony with life (as a Korean Buddhist swastika does). Satanism will eventually do the same to you).

I should know. I've lost track of the number of times I have almost been killed before and especially after I changed direction from an unconscious and naive orientation on the left hand path to the right-hand path. Then, I was attacked not because I actively fought the dark side but simply because I consciously chose to protect life and work with survivors of (Hollywood) Satanic cults by helping them to recollect their mute-lated psyches.
Remember young dabbler, you should be well aware of the difference between Hollywood Satanisism and real Satanism. Satanism operates primarily on the unconscious levels of the psyche, so you better be very conscious while operating on these levels if you give yourself over to them.....

Satanists are the biggest (although dangerous) fools in society today. The word Satanist is almost Synonymous with the word insane.

I couldn't care less what you (or any of you Satanic scum) think of my response...it would be like I cared what Hitler and his Nazis thought about my affiliation and concern with their victims.

I've listened to so much petty ego dribbal and ignorant bashing in these forums i finally had to say something. Ha, ha, no one has to get me banned from this site because you won't see any more particiipation from me in these forums. ....ha, ha, expecting Satanists to "live" alonside and eat with people who try to serve and protect life.

....with all due respect.


Age : 66
Location : Canada
Number of posts : 44
Registration date : 2010-08-08

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Introduction Empty Re: Introduction

Post  ThunderGr Wed Mar 02, 2011 5:03 am

Whitewolf wrote:

I've listened to so much petty ego dribbal and ignorant bashing in these forums i finally had to say something. Ha, ha, no one has to get me banned from this site because you won't see any more particiipation from me in these forums. ....ha, ha, expecting Satanists to "live" alonside and eat with people who try to serve and protect life.

I think that, if you are serious about the importance and need to protect life, participating in these forums, helping people that, for one reason or the other, have lost their way and are adding to the Shadow instead of the Light see why this is not going to help them in the long run, and provide another -your- perception of viewing things, is what you should do, IMHO.

I, also, think that we should not forget that satanists are as much human beings as the rest of the people, searching for ways they can evolve in a physical world that appears to reward self-interest, cruelty and arrogance.
Hating someone for not having found the way to evolve does no good to anyone. Hate and Anger, by themselves, add to the Shadow and threaten Life, no matter if they come from life guardians or self-egotists.

Light and Love to the minds and hearts of all.


Age : 51
Location : Greece
Number of posts : 8
Registration date : 2011-02-25

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Introduction Empty Re: Introduction

Post  ezavan Wed Mar 02, 2011 5:57 am

wow! you must have met some really amateurish dark-siders! you also need to take yourself a leeeeeeetle less seriously if you want to get along with me (which apparently you don't...)

i was joking. not about being a chaos magician or sympathetic to satanism and darkness in general, but about the bigotry. amandachen is a helpful and very compassionate person, or so it seems from what i've read, and her attitude towards the mystical and occult is far from superstitious. i would not assert that she is perpetuating bigotry, that's ridiculous, she frequently defends a sane attitude and an accepting mind, which is more than i can say about...who even was that guy? whitewolf?

i'm extremely sorry my half-assed joke invited that negative diatribe into your introduction thunder, and i ask that if anybody else wants to say i'm a KKK member bashing martin luther king i STRONGLY encourage you to do so, but in an independent thread. I suggest the titles "Ezavan eats babies" or maybe "Ezavan burns crosses in your backyard" but let's not get ignorant in a new member's intro, yes? especially one who seems level-headed.

i'm going to take apart this message tho, and repost it with commentary in the left-hand path section, outlining common misconceptions about the road to exaltation. that and other exciting drivel soon to come!

Age : 37
Location : middle of nowhere
Number of posts : 113
Registration date : 2009-06-08

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Introduction Empty Re: Introduction

Post  Whitewolf Wed Mar 02, 2011 6:19 pm

March 3, 2011

To everyone involed, I am sorry I said what I said and the way I said it. ThunderGr, thank you for your words, which which did in fact cause me to quicky rethink what I had said.

ezavan, i know i have no right to expect this but please accept my sincere apology. Over the years I have lost many friends to the shadow - both physically and mentally and I still see it every day. In addition I recently lost the most important person in my life - my mother. I thought I was a full-fledged adult but when i first heard my Mother had passed on after helping to take care of her for most of December I guess I became a little child for a while; who wanted his Mother (she told use she was going to die on Christmas Eve and in fact she did move on about 30 hours later).
Perhaps these are poor excuses for reactiing the way I did but there you have it. I see that traveling around the world, seeing the dealth and destruction all around me might have made me finally "snap" in this thread.
On the lighter side, perhaps I might recall the scene in Star Wars where Luke Skywalker is hanging on the ledge for dear life while his Father, Darth Vader tries to encourage him to hate: but he didn't.
Please disregard my very childish remark that i will not be posting any more comments. i usually try to stay positive and thanks to the leasson I just learned from both of you perhaps I've just gotten a second breath.

Thank you, whitewolf

Age : 66
Location : Canada
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Registration date : 2010-08-08

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Introduction Empty Re: Introduction

Post  ezavan Wed Mar 02, 2011 8:04 pm

oh, it's alright man, i'm not gonna hold a grudge over a forum post. but let's be clear that not all of us more comfortable in the shadows are committed to the suffering of others. actually, in most cases, my self-interest is best served by actions that benefit everyone, and as a matter of course i try to limit the harm my behavior inflicts on others - because to attack the "other" is to disrespect my "self". it is ignorance and partial vision that lead people to oppress others for their own illusory gain, and there are numerous examples of people who have exploited and hurt those around them that are more inclined towards the path of light, thinking the whole time that they were serving some greater good.

as a chaos magician, i can't even properly claim the mantle of "left-hand path devotee" or "satanist" - i strictly follow the results, whether or not something works is my moral compass. however, i do have a much deeper affinity for darkness and ego-driven personal power than the "love, light, and surrender" approach which many take on their path to deitus. I do my best not to judge people based on their beliefs, only their behaviors, and have so far (i hope) been very respectful of the "love, light, and surrender" types. i would rather appreciate if such did not try to step into my realm and "save" me.

that being said, my research and work have brought me into contact with several so-called "satanists" who seem to be by and large sexually confused self-hating megalomaniacs. i have also worked very closely with a number of actual satanists and luciferians, who i have found to be some of the most polite, fun-loving, intellectual and marvelously human examples of occultists. the former are the ones who tend to hog the spotlight, considering an addiction to negative attention is probably what led them to graft controversy onto their identity without understanding.

i am not "confused" nor am i a dabbler, my occult training began while i was still a child and has continued with few interruptions since. i am absolutely comfortable with the decisions and actions that have led me to this point in my life and am not the slightest bit insecure about my affinity. i understand the reasons for most people's discriminatory attitude, and honestly i sometimes encourage it simply because to be feared is in most cases easier than to be understood (either that or i just pretend i'm a totally secular atheist), but one of the things that i really value about this project and forum is the basic respect for all knowledge and its transmission. the hateful self-aggrandizing variety of darkness is often weeded out as irrelevant and there's a core of users that typically dissuade ignorance from propagating very far. if you stick with the group there is definitely value to a lot of these members and the sort of flaming/ego-inflation that you find in other forums is relatively scarce here. there's no reason that mystics and mages of all stripe can't work together and share ideas, except in specific cases - i wouldn't ask a christian mystic to help me wrangle a succubus, nor should i be contacted to petition an angel (although these tasks are not so different as they may at first appear). i'm sorry to hear how you have suffered, i hope that this human drama has tempered you, and that with each pain new opportunities for initiation have arisen.

thunder, again, i'm sorry to fill a space that should be dedicated to your story and questions with this discussion, i hope that your membership proves illuminating and i look forward to hearing your perspectives.

Age : 37
Location : middle of nowhere
Number of posts : 113
Registration date : 2009-06-08

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Introduction Empty Re: Introduction

Post  Whitewolf Wed Mar 02, 2011 8:39 pm

There's no question, that in order to be whole we must embrace our whole self - the darker as well as lighter aspects. Mmm, I have said this to people many times. i might be focused on the lighter side of things now but then, in my younger years that was certainly not the case. Now, at 53 just bcause I choose my present orientation, i of course acknowledge that my foundations include everything, including a lot of darkness (better that than to be a hypocrite). If that were not the case my foundations would crumble.i guess my , my litle diatribe (and itwas a diatribe)kind of proves that the other side of me is still there, healthy and proviing me with energy - at least I'm still whole.
The most important thing (as you just said) is that we are literally one - each of us is an aspect of the other. We all contain reflections of everyone else within us.

Thanks for reminding me not to try to "save" someone. I know i certainly dislike people knocking on my door!

Again, I'm sorry.

ThunderGr, i hope this post and my words don't discourage you. I suppose in some ways it is a good introduction: it demonstrates the ability to express an opinion in open forum and the ability for people, if not to completely agree with each other, then at least to come to some kind of civilized understanding in principles, not the least of all is respect.



Age : 66
Location : Canada
Number of posts : 44
Registration date : 2010-08-08

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Introduction Empty Re: Introduction

Post  ThunderGr Thu Mar 03, 2011 3:08 am

ezavan wrote: I do my best not to judge people based on their beliefs, only their behaviors, and have so far (i hope) been very respectful of the "love, light, and surrender" types. i would rather appreciate if such did not try to step into my realm and "save" me.

I think that no true "Love and Light" type will ever try to "save" someone that does not think he needs to be saved. The line between helping someone and forcing someone to follow your own conviction is very thin. I would be as much cautious to someone that claims he is trying to "save" people as to someone that actually uses them to accomplish his own goals.
"Saving" people without them wanting so is a blunt violation of the Free Will and doing so is much worst than actually trying to hurt people. Besides, Shadow has its own purpose of existanse, and if the Creator thinks it should exist, who are we to decide that it shouldn't?
You may have noticed that I ommited the "Surrender" attribute, since I do not think that "Surrender" is part of it. Actually, it is "Sacrifice", in the means of sacrificing your own ego(not Self), in order for you to qualify as a person that can call forth the powers of Light and Love on this plane.

ezavan wrote:
there's no reason that mystics and mages of all stripe can't work together and share ideas, except in specific cases - i wouldn't ask a christian mystic to help me wrangle a succubus, nor should i be contacted to petition an angel (although these tasks are not so different as they may at first appear).

thunder, again, i'm sorry to fill a space that should be dedicated to your story and questions with this discussion, i hope that your membership proves illuminating and i look forward to hearing your perspectives.

Actually, I think that it is beneficial to all when people of the occult set aside their petty differences and share ideas, finding in their hearts and minds where they trully belong.
Sharing ideas and oppinions, discussing about motives and, maybe, pointing out other practices to achieve the same ends that would be more beneficial to the evolvement of Life on this plane should be a part of the occult community's monthly agenta IMHO. However, I can understand that most people are not as open to such ideas, since it is a rare thing that an advocate of the path of Light does not feel repulsion or even hate towards the ones that use the energies of the Shadow to achieve their goals.
It is a pity, the way I see things, that most people cannot accept that there is no one way to evolvement and that every single soul has to learn in order to evolve. Whatever someone perceives as evil may be necessary for someone else to experience in order to evolve.
The role of a "worker of Light" is not to assist people avoid the evils in their life, IMHO. It is to help people keep their strength in order to face them without submitting to the Shadow, provided that he is asked to do so by the person in question.
In addition, his is the obbligation of living in the way he advocates and spreading the knowledge of the Way on this plane. Everyone has the right to choose his path, but is also entitled in knowing his choices.

Whitewolf wrote:
ThunderGr, i hope this post and my words don't discourage you. I suppose in some ways it is a good introduction: it demonstrates the ability to express an opinion in open forum and the ability for people, if not to completely agree with each other, then at least to come to some kind of civilized understanding in principles, not the least of all is respect.

I would like to give my sincere sympathy to you for your loss. I wish she found her way quickly through the planes and that she fulfilled her purpose of existance on this plane the way she had planned.

We are humans, and we are composed of all elements. It would be a folly if we did not accept that there is shadow within. It would, also, be useless if we just try to hide it by pushing it at the bottom of our subconsious. It will come out, strengthened by our fear of it, at our most vulnerable momment. I think, what we should do, is accept that it is a part of us, and a part of Creation. Love it for, without it, we couldn't decide which is our inclination. If we are here to learn of Creation, we must also learn of the Shadow, accept its existance and Love it. By doing so, we dispel it, because Fear, Hate and Anger are the food of the Shadow. The best place to learn for it and study it is within us. "As above is below". We all know that. We are a minature of the Creation and Shadow is a part of it. By Loving it and not embracing it we can go on and bring forth Love and Light on this plane. By noticing the temptation and not succubing to it, we can be sure that we follow the path of Light.

So, what I can say is a very sincere thank you to amandachen for sparking this discussion. I am glad that my introduction led to such an enlightening discussion, for myself at least, and for others, I hope.

As a final note, I would like to say that, a portion of my percpectives have been presented here, but I feel it would be inapropriate to extend it as a monolog on this thread. By discussion is how any progress is made, and such a discussion in this thread would be unfair, since it would be way out of topic and I would have a psycological advandage, since it is my Introduction thread.
I would gladly participate in a discussion on another thread, however, that would promote equal and fruitful discussion about the aspects of the occult and their importance on the physical plane.
Also, where I used he I also mean she. It is just because I am male I use this pronoun. Smile

Light and Love to the minds and hearts of all.

Last edited by ThunderGr on Thu Mar 03, 2011 3:36 am; edited 3 times in total


Age : 51
Location : Greece
Number of posts : 8
Registration date : 2011-02-25

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