Hello hello!
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Hello hello!
Hi there! I decided to finally join after lurking for a long while. My name is Aelwyn, and I'm a mutt of a pagan and magic practitioner.
Religiously, I'm a Hellenic Hard Polytheist. Magically, I practice Hoodoo, Cornish Witchcraft, Wortcunning, and other Trad Craft/Heathen practices.
Mundanely, I am 30 years old, recently engaged, a blogger, a moderator on several Pagan boards, a Makeup Artist, and mommy to our kitties, Rackham and LaVeau.
That's about it.
Nice to meet you all!
Religiously, I'm a Hellenic Hard Polytheist. Magically, I practice Hoodoo, Cornish Witchcraft, Wortcunning, and other Trad Craft/Heathen practices.
Mundanely, I am 30 years old, recently engaged, a blogger, a moderator on several Pagan boards, a Makeup Artist, and mommy to our kitties, Rackham and LaVeau.
That's about it.
Nice to meet you all!
Re: Hello hello!
Congratulations on the engagement and well met!
Hadrianswall- Number of posts : 209
Registration date : 2008-09-01
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