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"BBC orders auction house to remove neo-classical goddess painting 'in case nipple offends viewers'" -

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Post  ankh_f_n_khonsu Fri Jan 22, 2010 12:37 pm

See Daily Mail.co.uk for the complete article.

"BBC orders auction house to remove neo-classical goddess painting 'in case nipple offends viewers'" - Zk5ufk

BBC orders auction house to remove neo-classical goddess painting 'in case nipple offends viewers'

BBC bosses ordered an auction house to remove a neo-classical oil painting of a semi-naked woman in case her exposed nipple offended viewers.

Auctioneer Alan Aldridge was being filmed for Flog it!, BBC2's daytime antique programme, when the production team asked him to take down the 19th-century oil painting.

It features the mythical Greek goddess Ariadne holding a goblet of wine with her left breast exposed.

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Registration date : 2008-09-15

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