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"Zeitgeist: Addendum"

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"Zeitgeist: Addendum" Empty "Zeitgeist: Addendum"

Post  Khephra Fri Oct 10, 2008 10:58 pm

Zeitgeist: Addendum

A confession: despite being one of the most popular internet movies of all time, I've never watched Zeitgeist. I've tried on a few occasions, and always been turned off -- and physically turned off -- within a few minutes by the apparently portentous and pretentious nature of the film. Maybe it gets better? Who knows.

It was therefore with some trepidation that I approached Zeitgeist: Addendum, which was released yesterday. Thankfully, the arty guff that I found so off-putting in the first film only lasted 3 or 4 minutes, before the movie proper started.

Addendum kicks off into one of the best short descriptions of how the monetary supply and FRB works that I've seen for a while. Having illustrated the stupidity of this system, the film moves on to look at the activities of 'economic hit-men', and how the CIA and the ruling political/corporate elites have worked to undermine legitimate foreign regimes who have had the temerity to put the interests of their populations before those of transnational corporations. The entirely accurate view painted of how institutions like the World Bank, WTO and IMF have conspired to screw over developing nations for corporate benefit will, I'm sure, raise the hackles of neoliberal shills everywhere.

The film then takes a somewhat major swerve into the left field. Having identified some of the problems apparently inherent in any monetary-based economy, there's quite a long look at how a resource-based economy might be preferable (necessary?) for humanity. The movie then brings the two threads together, by explaining how the norms and values of our current society -- and the institutions within it, both secular and religious -- conspire to create an 'intellectual materialism'; a mindset that unthinkingly accepts the status quo, and leads us to act as sheep. Needless to say, the last portion of the movie is of the uplifting "it doesn't have to be this way" variety; something that I'm never going to knock anyone for suggesting.

My major criticism of the film is possibly an invalid one: lack of depth. I suspect that the target audience is people new to the topics presented, and a fairly shallow skim through some areas was the film-makers intent. Having said that, and acknowledging that most of the readers here will be familiar with much of the factual material already, I found the movie a perfectly reasonable way to spend a wet and windy weekend evening.

Age : 59
Number of posts : 897
Registration date : 2008-08-10

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"Zeitgeist: Addendum" Empty Re: "Zeitgeist: Addendum"

Post  Khephra Fri Oct 10, 2008 11:00 pm

How do you think it compares with the original?

Age : 59
Number of posts : 897
Registration date : 2008-08-10

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