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"Buffy the Vampire Slayer slaying church attendance among women, study claims"

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"Buffy the Vampire Slayer slaying church attendance among women, study claims" Empty "Buffy the Vampire Slayer slaying church attendance among women, study claims"

Post  Khephra Fri Aug 22, 2008 7:34 pm

From The Telegraph:

By Martin Beckford, 22 Aug 2008

The report claims more than 50,000 women a year have deserted their congregations over the past two decades because they feel the church is not relevant to their lives.

It says that instead young women are becoming attracted to the pagan religion Wicca, where females play a central role, which has grown in popularity after being featured positively in films, TV shows and books.

The study comes amid ongoing controversy over the role of women in the Church of England. Last month its governing body voted to allow women to become bishops for the first time, having admitted them to the priesthood in 1994, but traditionalist bishops have warned that hundreds of clergy and parishes will leave if the move goes ahead as planned.

The report's author, Dr Kristin Aune, a sociologist at the University of Derby, said: "In short, women are abandoning the church.

"Because of its focus on female empowerment, young women are attracted by Wicca, popularised by the TV series Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

"Young women tend to express egalitarian values and dislike the traditionalism and hierarchies they imagine are integral to the church.

"Women's ordination, as priests and now bishops, has dominated debate and headlines – but while looking at women in the pulpit we have taken our eyes off the pews, where a shift with more consequences for the church's survival is underway."

Her research, published in a new book called Women and Religion in the West, cites an English Church Census which found more than a million women worshippers have left the Church of England since 1989.

Over the past decade, it claims, women have been leaving churches at twice the rate of men.

In addition, the census is said to show that teenage boys now outnumber girls in the pews for the first time.

Dr Aune says the church must adapt to the needs of modern women if it is to stop them leaving in their droves.

She believes many women have been put off going to church in recent years because of the influence of feminism, which challenged the traditional Christian view of women's roles and raised their aspirations.

Her report claims they feel forced out of the church because of its "silence" about sexual desire and activity, and because of its hostility to single-parent families and unmarried couples which are now a reality for many women.

But it also says changes in women's working lives, with many more now pursuing careers as well as raising children, mean they have less time to attend church.

Dr Aune believes churches must now introduce services and activities that fit in better with modern's women's schedules, such as Saturday morning breakfast clubs.

She said: "Gone are the days when the mother was at home during the day and had time to visit the church's coffee mornings and mother and toddler groups.

"With the pressures women face, churches must adapt to make themselves more accessible."

Christina Rees, chairman of the pro-women bishop campaign group Watch, said the report highlighted the damaging effect that traditionalist attitudes within the Church of England are having on women.

She added that the introduction of female bishops will lead to a renewed interest in the church among young people and women in particular, despite the opposition to the historic step from Anglo-Catholics and conservative evangelicals who believe scripture and tradition teach that bishops must be male.

Ms Rees told The Daily Telegraph: "What this research reveals is that a lot of people are put off by traditional stances and attitudes. We still have a long way to go before women, particularly young women, feel as included in the church as men do.

"I'm absolutely convinced that when we have women as bishops that it will send out a very clear message that women are as valued as much as men."

The Church of England declined to comment.

Age : 59
Number of posts : 897
Registration date : 2008-08-10

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"Buffy the Vampire Slayer slaying church attendance among women, study claims" Empty Re: "Buffy the Vampire Slayer slaying church attendance among women, study claims"

Post  Chakravanti Sat Nov 15, 2008 12:34 pm

This has to epitomize how I feel about wicca. Sure maybe it attracts a large interest into the occult. But TV shows like Buffy and charmed just make me feel like puking. They're as much a butchery of wicca as wicca is of the occult. But then, it's my opinion that you lose a point of IQ for every hour of television you watch. And no, I don't give a fuck if you watch the history channel or DC. You might lose your IQ a little slower but really not by much.
If a solar flare hit the earth and fried all the circuit/magnetic technology/information we have I would LMFAO. Sure, I'd mourn my digimob loss but hopefully by that time I'll be able to print out a fair portion of it. I think should be able to keep it protected anyway though I'm still studying the EMP phenomena.

Age : 41
Number of posts : 57
Registration date : 2008-11-15

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