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Tarot purification and/or consecration rituals

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Tarot purification and/or consecration rituals Empty Tarot purification and/or consecration rituals

Post  audeo Thu Dec 29, 2011 7:45 am

Could someone please refer me to a Tarot purification ritual? A consecration ritual would also suffice. Better yet would be to give several, from diverse sources, from Hermetic to neo-pagan.


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Registration date : 2011-04-30

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Tarot purification and/or consecration rituals Empty My two cents worth

Post  Benjamin Stein Fri Dec 30, 2011 6:58 pm

Care Audeo,

I am not sure if your question refers to purifying/consecrating the ritual of divination or the Tarot cards themselves. (As an aside I would like to point out that the two words "purify" and "consecrate" have slightly different meanings.)

If the former, F. I. Regardie recommended this preceding a reading:
"In the divine name IAO, I invoke Thee thou Great Angel HRU who art set over the operations of this Secret Wisdom. Lay thine hand invisibly on these consecrated cards of art, that thereby I may obtain true knowledge of hidden things, to the glory of the ineffable Name. Amen."

If the latter, are you making your own cards or trying to purify/consecrate a store bought deck? If you are making your own deck the consecration could be included in the process of fabrication. If you are buying a commercially printed deck a number of methods could be employed, but I would approach the matter in a similar manner as consecrating a talisman.

I hope the above helps, and good luck.

Yours in LVX,
Benjamin Stein
Benjamin Stein

Age : 59
Location : Berkeley
Number of posts : 37
Registration date : 2009-09-09

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