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Greetings, im new!

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Greetings, im new! Empty Greetings, im new!

Post  Folckert Mon Apr 05, 2010 4:31 pm

Hey everybody, just joined the forums. I havent gotten around to reading everything that is posted here, but t seems like a great place to meet like-minded indviduals. About me: I am a new and fresh student of the occult. I have little experience in the field and im just getting to know all the possibilties and angles there are to the world. the major part of my studies is devoted to the Qabala and Comparative religion. I am interested very much in various systems of enlightenment and initation. I practice almost exclusively in soltude, but i would like to meet and speak with others who are in the same trade, which is also why im here!


Number of posts : 8
Registration date : 2010-04-05

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Greetings, im new! Empty Re: Greetings, im new!

Post  Khephra Tue Apr 06, 2010 9:58 am

Hi Folckert! Welcome, and cheers for the introduction! Very Happy

Given that you 'practice almost exclusively in solitude', would you like to elaborate on how you came to be interested in such studies?

Age : 59
Number of posts : 897
Registration date : 2008-08-10

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Greetings, im new! Empty Re: Greetings, im new!

Post  Folckert Tue Apr 06, 2010 3:03 pm

the subject had intrigued me for as long as I can remember, but it wasnt until high school that i actually did something practical with it. I didnt have a clue what i was doing then, and after a pretty rough ride i closed that chapter of a life and tried to abandon anything that had to do with the occult. Instead I channeled my affinity into Philosophy. But while I tried to stay in that area it took me straight back to this path. It pretty much happened when I came across an old copy of "The Key Of Solomon", which reminded me of al the things I had played with in the past. But with some new insights, and "The Soldier and The Hunchback" by Aleister Crowley as the connection, I realized that I what i really wanted was to reach for the absolute truth. And that I would never gain any knowledge and understanding of anything, in choosing between philosophy or occultism, but in their union. With this notion, I set out to explore the world, and the Digimob torrents and forum seem like a fine place to pass by! So, nobody brought me into this path, I didnt even try for it, it just happened to me i guess.


Number of posts : 8
Registration date : 2010-04-05

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