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wandering the ether

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wandering the ether Empty wandering the ether

Post  Vagabond Soul Sun Nov 14, 2010 12:18 am

Hello fellow friends of consciousness…

I have enjoyed follow the archives of digimob for the past few years, and am greatly appreciative.

I am unsure of my spiritual direction in this life as yet, am deeply intuitive, currently versed in tarot, poetry, philosophy and various theoretical studies.

I have a heart to evolve myself, (and help with shifting of awareness and breaking of patterns in the greater body of life), though, as yet, I am unsure of the best use for my energies.

I have only ever had one friend versed in occult experience and studies; we got on like a house on fire. Though I have had many interesting conversations following my philosophical enquires.

I reach out with gratitude, with keen and humble attention, and am glad to join in this collaborative community.
Vagabond Soul
Vagabond Soul

Age : 39
Number of posts : 17
Registration date : 2010-11-13

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